Friday 25 May 2007

PCI SSC Announces board advisors

Some big names elected onto the PCI SSC council (14 in all).

Their primary role being to serve on the board and provide strategic and technical guidance to the PCI Security Standards Council.

Microsoft and Verifone being the only technology companies the rest are retailers or PSPs with a vested interest in PCI.

I wonder if the PCI SSC will behave like a mini UN with lots of differing groups with their own agenda, generating ideas and statements about what should be done but too much in-fighting and Special Interests to actually get a majority vote to get motions passed through.

With a member like APACS involved (UK Payments association) their should be no excuses in the future from UK organizations to not being PCI compliant, as there were around 18 months ago when PCI DSS conflicted with what APACS required from retailers/PSPs.

It will be interesting to see any minutes from the initial meetings for any future PCI DSS changes, just to see who is in favor of PCI and who isn't.

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